Global Warming: Natural Disaster

Dear Editor:

Global warming is described by some as something that is "natural," like a thunderstorm or the turning of the earth. Tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes are natural, but they cause billions of dollars of damage each year and claim hundreds of lives worldwide. Just because something is natural, does not mean it is harmless.

What if you heard that an asteroid was hurtling toward Earth, and that when it hit, it could wipe out all life on the entire planet? Should we say, “That’s okay. It’s just a force of nature. This is just part of how things work”? Would it make sense to say, “We’re not really sure what will happen when it hits the planet, so let’s do nothing"? I will admit, I do not know exactly what would happen if an asteroid hit our planet, but I know enough about it to say that we should do everything in our power to keep that from happening.

Global warming is the asteroid hurtling towards us, and while we do not know exactly what effect it will have on our world long-term, we know enough to understand that NOW is the time to do something about it. Every year there are higher carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere and higher temperatures on our planet. The longer we wait, the worse the problem will get. If we do not take action now, Earth might not be able to support life forms in the future.

The good news is that stopping global warming is much easier than trying to dispose of an asteroid. All it takes is a little work on everyone’s part. There are three easy things each of us can do now that will make a world of difference right away:

-Conserve electricity. Change your thermostat setting, turn off unused lights, and use compact fluorescent bulbs.

-Drive smarter. Combine trips to save gas, drive a smaller car, and keep your engine tuned up.

-Speak out! Tell others about global warming. Share these tips. Write your government representatives and tell them you want action now to stop global warming!

People say global warming is a fact of nature, and we cannot do anything about it. They are wrong on both accounts. Global warming is not natural, and it’s not harmless. Unlike tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes, this is one natural event we can prevent, if we all do our part.


Alicia Andrews
Spokane, WA

Global Warming is NATURAL
Dear Editor:

The sky is falling! The sky is falling! At least that’s what many scientists want you to believe. They say, thanks to global warming, the earth is hotter than ever. They say hurricanes are stronger, oceans warmer, and polar ice thinner. Some of them predict that in fifty years dozens of species will go extinct, and in a hundred years we may face worldwide drought and mass starvation.

I say, baloney.

The fact is, the earth goes through cycles of naturally being warmer and colder. Our last very warm age occurred during the time of the dinosaurs. It lasted for millions of years, and then came a series of Ice Ages, when much of the world was covered by ice and glaciers. Eventually, this age ended, too, and we’ve been in a warming trend since then. How long will this warming trend last - who knows? How hot will it get - who knows? We do know, however, that the last warm age was hardly a disaster for life on Earth. In fact, life flourished during the age of the dinosaurs. True, there were very different forms of life then, there were higher ocean levels, and even large inland seas, but this warm period was hardly a time of drought and starvation.
Eventually the planet cooled, and all that changed. Old life forms went extinct and new ones arose. The age of dinosaurs gave way to the age of mammals, including humans. As temperatures rise in this new warm period, will we lose some species? Absolutely, but not in five decades, or even five dozen. Species take millions of years to rise and millions of years to fade out. It happens - it’s called natural selection.

Is global warming the end of the human species? Maybe, maybe not, but it certainly won’t happen anytime soon. We have millions of years to watch what’s happening and take action when we know better what is happening to our planet.

Global warming will make life on Earth very different, but the temperature changes we’re seeing are natural, just part of how our planet works. Trying to stop a natural warming trend makes as much sense as trying to prevent a thunderstorm or stop the earth’s spinning. The smart thing to do is watch, wait, and see what exactly is going on.

Diane Stuart
Radford, VA
The two letters to the editor depict opposing viewpoints on global warming. Each author writes about natural events and offers what humans should do as a next step. Write a response as the editor in support or opposition to either viewpoint. To support your ideas, use information from the article, your own opinion, and/or your own examples.

Dear Alicia Andrews and Diane Stuart,

Thank you both for your insightful letters addressing the issue of global warming. It is clear that the topic is a divisive one with conflicting opinions on what actions should be taken.

Alicia, I appreciate your sense of urgency in addressing global warming as a pressing issue that requires immediate action. Your call for conservation of electricity, smarter driving habits, and advocacy for speaking out on the issue is commendable. It is important for individuals to take responsibility for their actions and work towards mitigating the effects of global warming.

Diane, your perspective on global warming as a natural phenomenon that has occurred throughout the Earth's history is interesting. Your point about the Earth going through cycles of warming and cooling is valid, and it is true that life on the planet has adapted to these changes over millions of years. However, it is important to consider the accelerated rate at which global warming is currently occurring due to human activities.

In response to both viewpoints, I believe that a balanced approach is necessary. While it is important to acknowledge the natural cycles of the Earth's climate, it is also crucial to recognize the impact that human activities are having on exacerbating global warming. Taking proactive steps to reduce carbon emissions, conserve resources, and advocate for policy change is essential in order to minimize the potential negative effects of global warming on our planet.

In conclusion, I urge readers to consider both perspectives presented in these letters and to take action towards addressing global warming in a responsible and sustainable manner. It is only by working together that we can create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

[Your Name]