Linear equations in real world scenarios. Quick check

1. A company pays $20 per hour for its employees. Write an equation to represent the total cost of employees working x hours.

Answer: Total cost = 20x

2. A car rental company charges a $50 flat fee plus $0.50 per mile driven. Write an equation to represent the total cost of renting a car for y miles.

Answer: Total cost = 0.50y + 50

3. A store is having a 30% off sale on all items. Write an equation to represent the discounted price of an item that originally cost $100.

Answer: Discounted price = 100 - 0.30(100) = 70

4. A phone company charges $30 per month for unlimited talk and text, plus $0.10 per minute for any additional usage. Write an equation to represent the monthly cost for x minutes of additional talk time.

Answer: Monthly cost = 30 + 0.10x

5. A bakery sells cupcakes for $2 each. Write an equation to represent the total revenue from selling x cupcakes.

Answer: Total revenue = 2x