One of the dark actions highlighted in the unit is when Montresor chained up Fortunato and buried him alive in the catacombs in “The Cask of the Amontillado” by Edger Allen Poe.

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So if Fortunato had listened to Montresor when he said to turn back because of his cough he wouldn't have died. If they did go back they would probably have gone to parties or they would have sold stuff to the British and Austrian millionaires. Maybe Montresor would have still tried to killed Fortunato in a different manner. Or he wouldn't have because he'd probably regret it like he did in the story.

When Fortunato insulted Montresor, he vowed revenge. when they got into the catacombs Fortunato started coughing so Mostresor said to go back but Fortunato said “No I will not die of a cough”. So before they went deeper into the catacombs, Montresor gave him wine then Fortunato had gotten drunk from the wine. Montresor chained him up and buried him alive after he had done that his heart grew sick. It was the dampness of the catacombs that made it so, he put the last stone in place and said pace requiescat (may he rest in peace).

In "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edger Allen Poe, Montresor's dark actions of chaining up and burying Fortunato alive in the catacombs highlight the destructive power of revenge and the consequences of holding onto grudges. Fortunato's stubbornness and arrogance ultimately led to his demise, as he refused to heed Montresor's warnings and paid the ultimate price for his insults. This story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of seeking revenge and the devastating effects it can have on both the victim and the perpetrator.