A Cylinder has a 7 inch radius and a height 14 inches

Determine the area of the circular base of the cylinder.___ square inches

Determine the width of the lateral face of the cylinder.___ inches

Determine the area of the lateral face of the cylinder.___ square inches

What is the total surface area of the cylinder? ___ square inches

Area of circular base = πr^2

Area of circular base = π(7)^2
Area of circular base = π(49)
Area of circular base = 49π square inches

Width of the lateral face = circumference of the base = 2πr
Width of the lateral face = 2π(7)
Width of the lateral face = 14π inches

Area of the lateral face = height x width
Area of the lateral face = 14 x 14π
Area of the lateral face = 196π square inches

Total surface area = 2πr^2 + 2πrh
Total surface area = 2π(7)^2 + 2π(7)(14)
Total surface area = 2π(49) + 2π(98)
Total surface area = 98π + 196π
Total surface area = 294π square inches