Enola owns a food truck that sells tacos and burritos. She only has enough supplies to make 74 tacos or burritos. She sells each taco for $5 and each burrito for $8.25. Enola must sell a minimum of $500 worth of tacos and burritos each day. If 35 burritos were sold, determine the minimum number of tacos that the Enola must sell in order to meet the requirements.

Let's first calculate the total revenue from selling 35 burritos:

35 burritos * $8.25/burrito = $288.75

Since Enola needs to make a minimum of $500 in sales each day, she must make up the difference between $500 and $288.75 in taco sales.

$500 - $288.75 = $211.25

Now, let's determine the minimum number of tacos Enola must sell at $5 each in order to make $211.25:

$211.25 / $5/taco = 42.25 tacos

Since Enola cannot sell a fraction of a taco, she must round up to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, Enola must sell a minimum of 43 tacos in addition to the 35 burritos in order to meet the minimum sales requirement for the day.