Discuss two aspects of your self that you need to develop to improve yourself

1. Self-discipline: One aspect of myself that I need to develop is self-discipline. I often struggle with procrastination and time management, which leads to me not achieving my goals or completing tasks on time. By cultivating self-discipline, I can learn to prioritize my tasks, create a daily routine, and hold myself accountable for my actions. This will help me become more organized and productive, and ultimately achieve greater success in both my personal and professional life.

2. Emotional intelligence: Another aspect of myself that I need to develop is emotional intelligence. I sometimes struggle with managing my emotions and communicating effectively with others. By improving my emotional intelligence, I can become more self-aware, empathetic, and able to handle conflicts or challenges in a more constructive manner. This will also enhance my relationships with others and contribute to a more positive and harmonious environment in both my personal and professional life.