“My point is that you need to really look at your goal to understand what you are personally trying to get out of the experience,” he said. “If you want to develop socially, then going to college at age 14 is probably a waste, as you are usually not emotionally equipped for the situation, and the age disparity with the general college population precludes you from the normal college social scene.”What is the BEST meaning of the term disparity as it is used in the excerpt above? Aacademic; relating to learningBimmaturity; in the early stages of developmentCextensive; endlessDquality of being different; a great difference

D) quality of being different; a great difference

In the context of the excerpt, "disparity" is used to describe the difference in age between a 14-year-old student and the general college population, which precludes them from fully participating in the normal college social scene.