Determine the total area of the TWO BASES of this cylinder. (Use 3.14 for π.) 2cm high, 15cm wide

3.14 square centimeters
3.14 square centimeters

6.28 square centimeters
6.28 square centimeters

94.20 square centimeters
94.20 square centimeters

100.48 square centimeters

which one of the options is the answer?

The formula for the area of a circle is A = πr^2, where r is the radius. In this case, the radius of the base of the cylinder is half the width, so the radius is 15/2 or 7.5 cm.

Calculating the area of one base:
A = 3.14 x (7.5)^2 = 3.14 x 56.25 = 176.625 square cm

Since there are two bases, the total area of both bases is:
2 x 176.625 = 353.25 square cm

Therefore, the total area of the two bases of the cylinder is 353.25 square centimeters.

The closest option to the calculated total area of 353.25 square centimeters is 100.48 square centimeters. However, none of the provided options match the correct answer. The correct total area of the two bases of the cylinder is 353.25 square centimeters.