Your supervisor asks you to set up a system so new employees can only access the database to check information but can’t change anything, assistant managers can add or delete quantities, and managers can add or delete quantities and products. In this system, which of the following protocols will vary?

1. User permissions: The permissions assigned to each type of user (new employees, assistant managers, managers) will vary in order to control their level of access to the database.

2. Authentication methods: Different authentication methods may be required for each type of user in order to verify their identity before granting access to the database.

3. Data encryption: The level of data encryption used to secure the database may vary depending on the type of user accessing the system.

4. Audit trail: The level of detail recorded in the audit trail to track changes made by each type of user may vary in order to monitor their activity and ensure accountability.

5. Access control policies: The policies governing access to the database may vary for each type of user in order to enforce the restrictions set by the supervisor.