Miles and his grandpa went out for breakfast. The bill was $36.25. Miles' grandpa left a five dollar bill as a tip.

What percent tip did Miles' grandpa leave? (5 is what percent of 36.25?)

Round your answer to the nearest whole percent.

Show or explain your work.

explain like a 10 year old would.

To find out what percent tip Miles' grandpa left, we need to divide 5 (the tip amount) by 36.25 (the total bill), and then multiply by 100 to turn it into a percentage.

5 รท 36.25 = 0.138

Now, we need to turn 0.138 into a percentage by multiplying by 100.

0.138 x 100 = 13.8

So, Miles' grandpa left a 13.8% tip. Rounded to the nearest whole percent, that would be 14%.