Explain why plastics have become such a source of pollution?

Plastics have become a major source of pollution for a variety of reasons:

1. Durability: Plastics are durable and do not easily decompose, which means they can persist in the environment for hundreds of years.

2. Widespread use: Plastics are used in a wide range of products, from packaging materials to electronic devices, leading to a large amount of plastic waste being generated.

3. Improper disposal: A significant amount of plastic waste is not properly disposed of, either ending up in landfills or being littered in the environment.

4. Microplastics: Plastics break down into smaller pieces over time, known as microplastics, which can be easily ingested by marine life and other animals, leading to harmful effects on ecosystems.

5. Plastic production: The production of plastics requires the extraction of fossil fuels and the release of greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change and further environmental degradation.

6. Lack of recycling: Only a small percentage of plastics are recycled, with the majority being incinerated or ending up in landfills, exacerbating the pollution problem.

Overall, the widespread use and improper disposal of plastics, coupled with their durability and environmental impacts, have made them a significant source of pollution in the world today.