Write steps and answer in a complete sentence. Make sure a first grader can understand your steps.

1) the four digit number 1AB8 is divisible by 9. (Digit A and B can be the same.) Among all this possible numbers, what is the difference between the greatest number and the least number?

2) In a division statement, the quotient is 5 and the remainder is 6. The difference between the divisor and the dividend is 38. Find the values of the dividend and the divisor.

1) First, we find the possible values for A and B that make the number divisible by 9. The four digit numbers are 1188, 1269, 1359, 1440, 1530, 1611, 1701, 1899. The greatest number is 1899 and the least number is 1188. The difference between the greatest and the least number is 1899-1188=711.

2) To find the values of the dividend and divisor, we use the equation: dividend = (quotient x divisor) + remainder and divisor - dividend = 38. Given the quotient is 5 and remainder is 6, we substitute the values into the equations:
Dividend = (5 x divisor) + 6
Divisor - ((5 x divisor) + 6) = 38. We solve these equations to find the values of the dividend and the divisor.