represented by the quadratic equation h-16t² + 64t+ 80.

After how many seconds will the object hit the ground? show your work
A 29 seconds
B 6.4 seconds
C 5.0 seconds
D 8.0 seconds

First, we need to set the quadratic equation equal to zero to find the time when the object hits the ground.

h - 16t² + 64t + 80 = 0

Next, we need to factor the equation or use the quadratic formula to solve for t. In this case, factoring is more straightforward:

(h - 16)(t + 5)(t - 1) = 0

Setting each factor to zero gives us:

h - 16 = 0
t + 5 = 0
t - 1 = 0

h = 16
t = -5
t = 1

Since we are looking for the time when the object hits the ground (h = 0), we discard the negative solution and focus on t = 1 second. Therefore, the correct answer is:

C) 5.0 seconds