How much quantity of heat energy is required to change 8.0kg of ice at 0°C into water at the same temperature? [Lv=2,430,000J/kg]

To calculate the quantity of heat energy required to change 8.0kg of ice at 0°C into water at the same temperature, we need to consider the following steps:

1. Calculate the heat energy required to raise the temperature of the ice from 0°C to its melting point at 0°C:
Q1 = m * c * ΔT
Q1 = 8.0kg * 2100J/kg°C * (0-0)°C
Q1 = 0J

2. Calculate the heat energy required to change the ice into water at 0°C:
Q2 = m * Lv
Q2 = 8.0kg * 2,430,000J/kg
Q2 = 19,440,000J

Therefore, the total quantity of heat energy required to change 8.0kg of ice at 0°C into water at the same temperature is 19,440,000J.