electricity company charge per quarter as follow a fixed charge of 500 and a charge of 35 per unit of current use a calculate the charge for 46 unit of electricity b if vat of 5% is paid on the bill calculate the amount to be paid


Fixed charge = $500
Charge per unit of electricity = $35
Number of units of electricity used = 46

Total charge = Fixed charge + (Charge per unit * Number of units)
Total charge = $500 + ($35 * 46)
Total charge = $500 + $1610
Total charge = $2110

Therefore, the charge for 46 units of electricity is $2110.

Total charge with VAT = Total charge + (VAT * Total charge)
VAT = 5%
VAT amount = 5% of $2110
VAT amount = 0.05 * $2110
VAT amount = $105.50

Total amount to be paid = Total charge + VAT amount
Total amount to be paid = $2110 + $105.50
Total amount to be paid = $2215.50

Therefore, the total amount to be paid with VAT included is $2215.50.