In 2015 in Alaska, an enormous number of walrus females and their calves gathered on a single beach. In the past, the walruses would use sea ice as a place to rest and nurse their calves, but due to human activity and global warming, large amounts of the ice have melted. Explain what consequences could happen to the walruses and their ecosystem in this situation over time.

As the sea ice continues to melt and the walruses are forced to gather on beaches in large numbers, several consequences could occur over time.

1. Increased competition for space and resources: With limited space on the beaches, the walruses may have to compete for room to rest and nurse their calves. This could lead to overcrowding and lower survival rates for the calves.

2. Increased predation risk: Large gatherings of walruses make them more vulnerable to predators, such as polar bears or orcas. Without the protection of sea ice, the walruses may be at greater risk of predation.

3. Spread of diseases: Close contact between walruses in large groups can increase the spread of diseases and parasites. This could lead to outbreaks of illness and reduced overall health of the population.

4. Disruption of feeding habits: Walruses rely on sea ice as a platform for resting while they dive for food. Without access to the ice, they may have to travel further distances or change their feeding habits, which could lead to decreased food intake and overall health.

5. Impact on other species: The gathering of walruses on beaches could also have ripple effects on other species in the ecosystem, such as changes in food availability or distribution. This could disrupt the balance of the ecosystem and lead to further declines in biodiversity.

Overall, the loss of sea ice and the resulting changes in behavior and habitat for walruses could have detrimental effects on their population and the surrounding ecosystem in the long term.