Why are the gene pools of small populations reduced compared to those of larger populations? (1 point)


lack of advantageous traits
lack of advantageous traits

lack of suitable mates
lack of suitable mates

bottleneck events
bottleneck events




I apologize for the incorrect response. The gene pools of small populations are reduced compared to those of larger populations due to bottleneck events and inbreeding.

Bottleneck events occur when a population undergoes a significant decrease in size, leading to a loss of genetic diversity. This reduction in genetic variation can result in a smaller gene pool.

Inbreeding, which occurs when individuals in a population mate with closely related individuals, can also reduce genetic diversity within a population. This can lead to an increase in the frequency of harmful genetic traits and a decrease in the overall fitness of the population.

These factors contribute to the reduced gene pools of small populations compared to larger populations. Thank you for pointing out the mistake, and I hope this clarifies the answer.