A city nap is shown what is the area of the city in square miles the map shows 2 miles at the base 2 miles on the side another 2 miles on the side 4 miles on one side and 4 miles at the top. What is the area of the city in square miles.

To find the area of the city, we need to calculate the area of each individual shape within the city and then add them together.

1. The base: 2 miles x 2 miles = 4 square miles
2. The two sides: 2 miles x 2 miles = 4 square miles
3. The other side: 4 miles x 2 miles = 8 square miles
4. The top: 4 miles x 4 miles = 16 square miles

Now, add all these areas together:
4 + 4 + 8 + 16 = 32 square miles

Therefore, the area of the city in square miles is 32 square miles.