Question 2

Now that you have selected your images. Write an explanation of each social class.
What would someone need to know about each class to identify the differences? You
will put the images and descriptions together on a digital or physical poster.

Upper class description:

Middle class description:

Working class description:

Upper class description: The upper class is typically characterized by individuals who have inherited wealth, hold high-ranking positions in society, or have access to exclusive resources and opportunities. They often live in luxurious homes, attend prestigious schools, and have a large amount of disposable income. Members of the upper class may also be involved in philanthropy and social events within their exclusive social circles.

Middle class description: The middle class is made up of individuals who have stable employment, a comfortable income, and access to basic amenities such as healthcare and education. They may own homes, cars, and other assets, but do not have the same level of wealth and privilege as the upper class. The middle class often values hard work, education, and financial stability.

Working class description: The working class includes individuals who rely on hourly wages or salaries to make a living. They may work in blue-collar jobs, service industries, or other fields that require manual labor. Members of the working class often struggle to make ends meet and may not have access to the same resources and opportunities as the upper and middle classes. They may also face financial insecurity and limited social mobility.