You have $70in your bank account Each week you plan to deposit $6 from your allowance

and $15 from your paycheck. The equationb=70 (15 + 6) w gives the amount b in
your account after w weeks. How many weeks from now will you have $170 in your bank account

To find out how many weeks it will take to have $170 in your bank account, we can set up the equation:

b = 70 + (15 + 6)w

Substitute b = $170 into the equation:

$170 = 70 + (15 + 6)w
$170 = 70 + 21w
$100 = 21w

Divide by 21 on both sides:

w = 100 / 21
w ≈ 4.76

Since we can't have a fraction of a week, we need to round up. Therefore, it will take approximately 5 weeks for you to have $170 in your bank account.