why do some people make a few songs and completely disapear after even though they are good

There could be a variety of reasons why some artists choose to only release a few songs before disappearing from the music scene. Some possible reasons include:

1. Lack of interest or passion: The artist may have quickly realized that pursuing a career in music was not fulfilling for them, and they decided to move on to other pursuits.

2. Lack of resources: Releasing music and promoting oneself as an independent artist can be costly and time-consuming. Some artists may not have the resources or support necessary to continue pursuing a music career.

3. Personal reasons: The artist may have experienced personal or health issues that prevented them from continuing to create and release music.

4. Creative burnout: Some artists may have poured all of their creativity and energy into a few songs, and may have felt unable to continue creating music at the same level of quality.

5. Changing interests: The artist may have simply found other interests or passions that they wanted to pursue instead of continuing to make music.

Ultimately, the decision to stop making music is a personal one, and each artist's reasons for doing so will vary.