review the graphs of a system of two linear equations in two variables:4x+3y=15 and y=x+5. find the solution to both equations

The graphs of the two linear equations 4x+3y=15 and y=x+5 can be plotted on a coordinate plane.

For the equation 4x+3y=15, we can rewrite it in the form y = (-4/3)x + 5. This equation represents a line with a negative slope of -4/3 passing through the y-intercept of 5.

For the equation y=x+5, it is already in slope-intercept form with a slope of 1 and a y-intercept of 5.

By plotting these two lines on the same graph, we can see that they intersect at the point (3, 8), which is the solution to both equations.

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is x=3 and y=8.