How do the following stage directions affect the audiences understanding of Otto character

1. "Otto enters the room with a confident stride, his shoulders held back and head held high."

This stage direction suggests that Otto is self-assured and perhaps even arrogant. The audience may perceive him as being confident and sure of himself, possibly even to the point of being out of touch with reality.

2. "Otto slumps into the chair, his body language showing defeat and exhaustion."

This stage direction conveys a sense of vulnerability and weariness in Otto. The audience may sympathize with him and perceive him as a more complex and nuanced character who is struggling with his own demons.

3. "Otto nervously wrings his hands, avoiding eye contact with the other characters on stage."

This stage direction suggests that Otto is anxious and nervous. The audience may interpret this as a sign of guilt or shame, adding depth to his character and potentially changing their perception of him.

Overall, stage directions can greatly impact the audience's understanding of a character by providing insights into their emotions, motivations, and demeanor. By paying attention to these visual cues, viewers can form a more nuanced and complete understanding of Otto's character.