Write laboratory report the following topic:

1.Identifying the morphological parts of growth habit and seeds of grasses and legumes.
Within introduction, objective, materials used, procedure, results, discussion, conclusion, recommendations and reference


Grasses and legumes are two important plant families that play a crucial role in agriculture and ecosystem dynamics. Both of these plant families are characterized by their unique morphological features, which include their growth habit and seeds. Understanding the morphological characteristics of grasses and legumes is essential for their identification and proper utilization in various agricultural practices.


The objective of this laboratory experiment is to identify the morphological parts of the growth habit and seeds of grasses and legumes.

Materials Used:

- Various specimens of grasses and legumes
- Magnifying glass
- Dissection tools
- Microscope
- Camera


1. Examine specimens of grasses and legumes under a magnifying glass to observe their growth habit, including the stem, leaves, and root system.
2. Carefully dissect the seeds of the grasses and legumes to observe their morphology, including the seed coat, endosperm, and embryo.
3. Use a microscope to examine the seeds at a higher magnification to observe their internal structure.
4. Take photographs of the specimens, growth habit, and seeds for documentation.


The examination of the specimens revealed that grasses have a characteristic growth habit with narrow leaves and a fibrous root system, while legumes have a branching growth habit with compound leaves and nodules on their roots. The seeds of grasses are small and have a tough seed coat, while legume seeds are typically larger and contain a significant amount of endosperm.


The morphological characteristics of grasses and legumes play a significant role in their identification and classification. Understanding these features is essential for proper plant management and utilization in agriculture. The differences in growth habit and seed morphology between grasses and legumes reflect their evolutionary adaptations to different environmental conditions and ecological niches.


In conclusion, this laboratory experiment successfully identified the morphological parts of the growth habit and seeds of grasses and legumes. The examination of these features provides valuable insights into the unique characteristics of these plant families and their ecological significance.


Further research could focus on the genetic and molecular basis of the morphological characteristics of grasses and legumes. Additionally, comparative studies between different species within these plant families could provide a deeper understanding of their evolutionary relationships and ecological roles.


Simpson MG. Plant Systematics. Academic Press. 2010.