What might be a reason for an entrepreneur to establish a cosmetic business(selling sunscreen product)

1. Passion for skincare and beauty: The entrepreneur may have a passion for skincare and beauty products and want to share that passion with others by creating their own line of sunscreen products.

2. Identifying a gap in the market: The entrepreneur may have identified a gap in the market for high-quality, affordable sunscreen products and seen an opportunity to fill that need.

3. Desire to create a unique product: The entrepreneur may have a vision for a specific type of sunscreen product that they believe is missing from the market and want to bring that product to life.

4. Personal experience with skincare issues: The entrepreneur may have personal experience with skincare issues such as sun damage or sensitivity to certain ingredients, motivating them to create their own line of sunscreen products that address these issues.

5. Potential for profitability: The entrepreneur may see the cosmetic industry, particularly the skincare sector, as a lucrative market with high potential for profitability. By establishing a sunscreen business, they may see an opportunity for long-term financial success and growth.