Glenn and Em developed a theory that identifies components of strong relationships and why some relationships last over a long time

. They proposed that there are four key components that contribute to the strength and longevity of a relationship:

1. Communication: Open, honest, and effective communication is essential in maintaining a strong relationship. Being able to express thoughts, feelings, and needs openly and respectfully can help partners understand each other better and resolve conflicts more effectively.

2. Trust: Trust forms the foundation of a healthy relationship. Partners need to be able to rely on each other, feel secure and confident in the relationship, and have faith in each other's intentions and actions.

3. Mutual respect: Respect for each other's individuality, boundaries, and feelings is crucial in maintaining a strong relationship. It involves treating each other with kindness, understanding, and consideration, and valuing each other's opinions and perspectives.

4. Shared values and goals: Partners who share similar values, beliefs, and goals are more likely to have a strong and enduring relationship. Having common interests, ambitions, and aspirations can help create a sense of unity and purpose in the relationship.

Glenn and Em's theory suggests that by fostering these key components, couples can strengthen their bond, deepen their connection, and increase the likelihood of their relationship lasting over the long term. They believe that understanding and nurturing these components is essential in building a healthy and fulfilling relationship.