Which of the following is a simplified version of ?





It looks like you did not provide the expression that needs to be simplified. Could you please provide the expression so that we can help guide you in simplifying it?

12 - 2(X+1)=5

To simplify the given expression 12 - 2(X + 1) = 5, you first need to distribute the negative 2 across the terms inside the parentheses:

12 - 2(X) - 2(1) = 5
12 - 2X - 2 = 5

Next, combine like terms:

12 - 2X - 2 = 5
10 - 2X = 5

Now, isolate the variable term by moving the constant term to the other side of the equation:

10 - 2X = 5
10 - 5 = 2X
5 = 2X

Finally, solve for X by dividing both sides by 2:

5 = 2X
5 / 2 = X
X = 2.5

Therefore, the simplified version of the expression 12 - 2(X + 1) = 5 is X = 2.5.


I apologize for the mistake in my previous response. Let's correct that.

Given expression: 12 - 2(X + 1) = 5

First, distribute the -2 across (X + 1):

12 - 2X - 2 = 5
Combining like terms:

10 - 2X = 5
Now, isolate the variable term:

-2X = 5 - 10
-2X = -5

To solve for X, divide by -2:

X = -5 / -2
X = 2.5

Therefore, the correct simplified version of the expression 12 - 2(X + 1) = 5 is X = 2.5.