Analyze the effects of Tiananmen Square on China’s foreign policy. What is one lasting change?

China has become open to negotiations with foreign countries about national policy.

China let university officials lead the way to democratization after Tiananmen Square.

China has increasingly resisted foreign influence since Tiananmen Square.

China adopted the Western model of freedom of speech after Tiananmen Square.

One lasting change that resulted from the Tiananmen Square incident is that China has become increasingly resistant to foreign influence. The Chinese government cracked down on pro-democracy movements in response to the protests, signaling a shift towards a more nationalist and insular approach to foreign policy. This has led to stricter control over foreign organizations, media, and individuals operating within China, as well as a more assertive stance on issues such as territorial disputes and human rights. The government has prioritized national sovereignty and stability over international cooperation and liberalism in the aftermath of Tiananmen Square.