Not Alone Unit Test

16 of 1716 of 17 Items

Read Goldilocks Goes to Camp.

Goldilocks Goes to Camp

The point of view an author uses in a story helps the reader better understand the main idea in the story. Write three to five sentences explaining how the point of view used in the story helps the reader understand the main idea of Goldilocks Goes to Camp.

(2 points)

In "Goldilocks Goes to Camp," the author uses a third-person point of view to provide a more objective perspective on the events that unfold at camp. This allows the reader to see the story unfold through an unbiased lens, without being influenced by any individual character's opinions or thoughts. The third-person point of view also helps to highlight the main idea of the story, which is about personal growth and overcoming challenges in a new environment. By presenting the story from an outside perspective, the reader can better understand how Goldilocks learns to adapt and thrive at camp, ultimately leading to her positive transformation by the end of the story.