Diego earns $10.50 per hour at his summer job. He needs to to earn $210 more to by a new laptop computer. Diego wants to know how many hours he needs to work to buy the laptop. What should the variable represent in this problem?

1. the amount Diego earns per hours
2. the number of hours Diego needs to work to buy the laptop
3. the price of the laptop computer
4. the number of hours Diego works each week

2. the number of hours Diego needs to work to buy the laptop

How many hours does Diego need to work to buy the laptop

Let's set up an equation to solve for the number of hours Diego needs to work:

10.50 * x = 210

Where x represents the number of hours Diego needs to work.

By dividing both sides by 10.50, we get:

x = 210 / 10.50
x = 20

Diego needs to work 20 hours to earn enough money to buy the laptop.