Study the forktale and look at: sentences, word choice, and meaning. Give an example of a forktale

Example of a folktale: "The Three Little Pigs"

Sentences: The sentences in a folktale are typically short and easy to understand, making them accessible to a wide audience, including children.

Word choice: Folktale often uses simple, straightforward language that conveys important moral lessons or cultural values.

Meaning: Folktale usually has a deeper meaning or moral lesson that the reader can take away from the story, such as the importance of hard work or the consequences of greed.

In "The Three Little Pigs," the word choice and simple sentences help convey the moral lesson that hard work and preparation are essential for success and safety. The story demonstrates this through the three pigs who have different outcomes based on their choices - one who builds his house quickly out of straw, one who takes a bit more time to build his house out of sticks, and the third who works hard to build his house out of bricks. The wolf is then unable to blow down the brick house, showing the benefits of hard work and preparation.