Five friends recorded the number of action figures each friend has. The following is the dataset they recorded:  {7,9,10,11,11} . Which of the following correctly calculates the average deviation from the mean number of action figures?(1 point)


The average deviation from the mean is 1.28.
The average deviation from the mean is 1.28.

The average deviation from the mean is 6.4.
The average deviation from the mean is 6.4.

The average deviation from the mean is 9.6.
The average deviation from the mean is 9.6.

The average deviation from the mean is 0.16.

The average deviation from the mean can be calculated by finding the absolute difference between each data point and the mean, then finding the average of those differences.

Mean = (7 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 11) / 5 = 48 / 5 = 9.6

Average deviation from the mean = ((|7-9.6| + |9-9.6| + |10-9.6| + |11-9.6| + |11-9.6|) / 5
= (2.6 + 0.6 + 0.4 + 1.4 + 1.4) / 5
= 6.4 / 5
= 1.28

Therefore, the average deviation from the mean is 1.28.