elementry schools taking turns doing exercises for warmth in winter c. 1990

In the early 1990s, many elementary schools didn't have the luxury of central heating systems and relied on other methods to keep their students warm during the cold winter months. One common practice was for different classes or grade levels to take turns doing exercises for warmth.

This could involve the entire class standing up and doing jumping jacks, running in place, or even dancing to get their blood flowing and generate heat. Sometimes teachers would lead the students in yoga or stretching exercises to keep them warm and engaged.

Other schools might have designated "warm-up" breaks throughout the day where students would gather in a common area and do group exercises together. This not only provided physical warmth but also helped to break up the monotony of sitting in a cold classroom all day.

While it may seem like a primitive or outdated practice, the idea of exercising for warmth in schools was not uncommon in the past and was seen as an effective way to keep students comfortable and alert during the winter months.