Rewrite this in a correct way "So guys there's an upcoming event called meet and greet, so it's not going to be on Friday it's going to be on Saturday 20:30 to 22:00. So basically the event is about each corridor coming together with a tiktok challenge that we will be presenting to the rest of the house and yes there will be a criteria we'll be judged on. So we're going to have come up with ideas and decide on days of practice before the event of course, I think 3 days will be enough what do you guys think? So any ideas maybe? We are going to start practicing next week, which days and time works for everyone."

Hey everyone! There's an upcoming event called meet and greet. Just wanted to let you know that it's been rescheduled to Saturday from 20:30 to 22:00. The event will involve each corridor participating in a TikTok challenge that will be presented to the rest of the house. There will be criteria that we will be judged on. Let's brainstorm ideas and decide on practice days leading up to the event. I think practicing for 3 days should be enough, what do you all think? Any ideas are welcome! We will begin practicing next week, so please let me know which days and times work best for everyone.