Social studies 7B project

Six facts about the Black Death

1. The Black Death was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, killing an estimated 75-200 million people in Eurasia in the 14th century.

2. The Black Death is believed to have been caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, which was spread through fleas living on rats.

3. The Black Death first arrived in Europe in 1347, when ships from the Black Sea brought the disease to Italy.

4. The Black Death caused widespread panic and fear, leading to violence against minority groups such as Jews and accusations of witchcraft.

5. The Black Death had a major impact on the economy, as there were fewer workers available to tend to crops and work in various industries.

6. The Black Death ultimately led to social and economic changes in Europe, as surviving workers demanded higher wages and greater rights.

Short responses

1. The Black Death killed an estimated 75-200 million people in the 14th century.

2. It was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, spread through fleas on rats.
3. The disease arrived in Europe in 1347 via ships from the Black Sea.
4. The Black Death caused panic and violence against minority groups.
5. It had a significant impact on the economy, leading to labor shortages.
6. The Black Death brought about social and economic changes, with workers demanding higher wages and rights.

Short answers

1. The Black Death killed millions in the 14th century.

2. It was caused by Yersinia pestis spread by fleas on rats.
3. It arrived in Europe in 1347 from the Black Sea.
4. The disease caused panic and violence against minority groups.
5. The economy suffered due to labor shortages.
6. The Black Death led to social and economic changes in Europe.