What are six thing in the Black Death CSI Exhibits for Social studies project

1. Information boards detailing the history and impact of the Black Death, including its origins, spread, symptoms, and death toll.

2. Replicas of medieval medical tools used during the time of the Black Death, such as bloodletting instruments and plague masks.
3. Forensic reconstructions of skeletons of Black Death victims, showing evidence of the disease and the toll it took on the body.
4. Interactive exhibits demonstrating how the Black Death affected different regions in Europe and Asia, including maps and timelines.
5. A simulated crime scene where visitors can act as forensic investigators, examining evidence to determine how the disease spread and its impact on society.
6. Testimonials from survivors and accounts from contemporary sources, giving a personal perspective on the devastation caused by the Black Death.

Short answers

1. Information boards

2. Replicas of medical tools
3. Forensic reconstructions
4. Interactive exhibits
5. Simulated crime scene
6. Survivor testimonials