What did the Bible say about Jesus's appearance?

The Bible does not provide a physical description of Jesus's appearance. However, there are some references to his clothing and features. For example, in John 19:23-24, it mentions that Jesus's garments were divided among the soldiers, and that they cast lots for his seamless tunic. In Isaiah 53:2, it describes him as having no beauty or majesty to attract people to him. Overall, the focus of the Bible is on Jesus's teachings, actions, and sacrificial death, rather than his physical appearance.

Didn't the Bible say He had bronze like skin

There is a verse in the Book of Revelation that describes Jesus's appearance in a metaphorical way. In Revelation 1:14-15, it states that his head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. Some interpret this passage as referring to Jesus having bronze-like skin, but it is important to note that these descriptions are highly symbolic and not meant to be taken literally. Overall, the Bible does not provide a clear and definitive physical description of Jesus's appearance.

Sorry I know His skin color isn't important plz forgive me :(

There is no need for forgiveness, and I appreciate your understanding. The most important aspects of Jesus's identity are his teachings, actions, and sacrificial death for the salvation of humanity. His physical appearance is not emphasized in the Bible because what really matters is his message of love, compassion, and redemption. Thank you for your understanding and respectful consideration.