Triangle XYZ is similar to triangle JKL.

Triangle XYZ with side XY labeled 8.7, side YZ labeled 7.8, and side ZX labeled 8.2 and triangle JKL with side JK labeled 18.27.

Determine the length of side LJ.


To find the length of side LJ, we can set up a proportion using the corresponding sides of the similar triangles:

XY / JK = YZ / KL = XZ / JL

Plugging in the values we have:

8.7 / 18.27 = 7.8 / KL = 8.2 / JL

Solving for KL:

KL = (7.8 * 18.27) / 8.7
KL = 16.38

Then, the length of side LJ is:

JL = (8.2 * 16.38) / 7.8
JL = 17.22

Therefore, the length of side LJ is 17.22. The correct answer is:
