Read this passage from the story:

…I'm past the point of thinking I'm going to get out of this.


Not when I let it get too big. Not when I never shined the light on it until now.

Not when I…

Don't worry, Ben.

Everything is nine now.

Why did the author include this passage?

To explain that Ben is no longer afraid to enter the rooms of floor nine
To show that floor nine is how Ben pictures his upsetting experiences
To show that Ben believes he can explore floor nine now that it is bright
To explain that floor nine is surrendering its control over Ben

Correct answer: To show that floor nine is how Ben pictures his upsetting experiences

The passage indicates that Ben has accepted that he will never escape his past experiences on floor nine, suggesting that it symbolizes his negative memories or traumas. The mention of shining a light on it now may also indicate that he is finally facing and confronting these emotions or experiences.