A golf ball has a circumference of 13.408 centimeters, and 336 dimples on its surface. Approximately how many dimples per square centimeter are on the surface of a golf ball?






To find the number of dimples per square centimeter on the surface of the golf ball, we first need to calculate the total surface area of the golf ball.

The formula for the surface area of a sphere is given by:
A = 4πr^2

Given that the circumference of the golf ball is 13.408 cm, we can calculate the radius (r) using the formula for circumference:
C = 2πr
13.408 = 2πr
r = 13.408 / (2*π) = 2.135 cm

Now, we can calculate the total surface area of the golf ball:
A = 4 * π * (2.135)^2 ≈ 57.067 cm^2

To find the number of dimples per square centimeter, we divide the total number of dimples (336) by the total surface area of the golf ball:
336 / 57.067 ≈ 5.872 dimples per square centimeter

Therefore, there are approximately 5.872 dimples per square centimeter on the surface of the golf ball.

The correct answer is 5.872.