Sonia cut a tree trunk in the shape of a cylinder. The length is 15 feet, and the diameter is 30 inches. Solve for the surface area, using 3.14 for PI

The radius of the cylinder can be calculated by dividing the diameter by 2:

Radius = 30 inches / 2 = 15 inches

We need to convert the length from feet to inches:
Length = 15 feet x 12 inches/foot = 180 inches

Now we can calculate the surface area of the cylinder using the formula:
Surface Area = 2 * PI * radius * (radius + length)
Surface Area = 2 * 3.14 * 15 inches * (15 inches + 180 inches)
Surface Area = 2 * 3.14 * 15 inches * 195 inches
Surface Area = 9423 inches

Therefore, the surface area of the cylinder is 9423 square inches.