Evaluate the role played by temporal measures, such as water tankers, to provide temporal relief to areas affected by a lack of water services. (1×4)(4)

Temporal measures such as water tankers play a crucial role in providing short-term relief to areas affected by a lack of water services. By delivering water directly to households and communities, water tankers can help meet immediate water needs during times of crisis or service disruptions. This can prevent residents from facing severe water shortages, ensuring that basic water requirements are temporarily met.

Water tankers are especially important in areas experiencing temporary water shortages due to factors such as maintenance issues, infrastructure damage, or natural disasters. They can act as a quick and efficient solution to deliver safe drinking water to affected populations until more permanent water service solutions are restored. This helps ensure that residents have continued access to water for drinking, cooking, sanitation, and other essential needs.

Overall, water tankers serve as a vital tool in providing timely and temporary relief to areas facing water service disruptions. While they may not provide a long-term solution to water scarcity issues, they play a critical role in ensuring that communities have access to water during times of need.