Scientists report (1) that creatures living in the deep sea are in danger of starving to death. Millions of undiscovered species live, in the deep sea. Creatures in the seabed are suffering from growing food shortages. Which may be a result of rising sea temperatures. Scientists believe that some species will die out, those that can survive on a low food supply will continue living. Not much is known about the creatures that live in the deep sea, not much is known about the changes in their diets. Scientists estimate that up to 10 million species live in the depths of the sea. Most animals of the deep rely on food chains that begin. In the lighted realms of the sea. Microscopic plants called phytoplankton. Capture the sun and start the food cycle. (2) Wherever there are animal droppings, there is a constant rain of organic matter (3) that feeds the bottom dwellers.

Rewrite to create a paragraph of 3–5 sentences and make sure sentence structure differs noticeably from the original.
Combine sentence fragments with a conjunction.

Millions of undiscovered species live in the deep sea, facing the threat of starvation due to growing food shortages caused by rising sea temperatures. Scientists predict that some species may die out while others will adapt to survive on a low food supply. Little is known about the diets of deep sea creatures, with estimates suggesting that up to 10 million species inhabit these depths. The food chain in the deep sea begins with phytoplankton, capturing the sun's energy to sustain life in the dark depths. Animal droppings create a constant rain of organic matter that feeds the bottom dwellers in this mysterious underwater world.