Aspirin misuse and overdose can have severe consequences, both physically and mentally. Aspirin causes double vision, hyperventilation, dizziness, and confusion that may be pleasurable for patients. Patients who abuse aspirin for these pleasurable effects are at risk for organic damage, bleeding anemia or even death.

extend it with "aspirin is an addictive drug"

Aspirin misuse and overdose can have severe consequences, both physically and mentally. Aspirin is an addictive drug, and patients who abuse it for its pleasurable effects are at risk for developing a dependency on the substance. This can lead to a dangerous cycle of increasing dosage and frequency of use, which can result in organic damage, bleeding anemia, or even death. Additionally, the physical side effects of aspirin misuse, such as double vision, hyperventilation, dizziness, and confusion, can have a detrimental impact on a person's overall health and well-being. It is important for individuals to seek help if they believe they may be struggling with aspirin addiction in order to prevent further harm.