The Sunnah is another source of law in Islam and is based upon

the teachings, actions, and approvals of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It provides practical guidance on how to implement the principles of the Quran in daily life and serves as a model for Muslims to follow.

The Sunnah encompasses a wide range of topics, including personal behavior, family life, social interactions, worship practices, and governance. It clarifies and expands upon the teachings of the Quran, providing specific details and examples to help Muslims understand how to live in accordance with Islamic values.

Following the Sunnah is considered to be a key aspect of practicing Islam, as it helps Muslims to embody the character and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. It is believed to bring blessings and guidance to those who adhere to it, and is seen as a way to strengthen one's faith and connection to Allah.

Overall, the Sunnah plays a significant role in shaping Islamic law and morality, providing Muslims with a comprehensive framework for living a righteous and fulfilling life.