Match each term with its description below(1 point)

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Caste System
Ganges River

Caste System - A social hierarchy in India where individuals are born into a particular group that determines their social status and occupation.

Untouchable - A term used to describe those considered outside of the caste system, often facing extreme discrimination and segregation.

Sanskrit - An ancient language of India, commonly used in religious texts and literature.

Buddhism - A religion and philosophy founded by Siddhartha Gautama, focused on achieving enlightenment and ending the cycle of reincarnation.

Punjab - A region in northwest India known for its rich culture, particularly in music and dance.

Dowry - The payment of money or gifts from the bride's family to the groom's family in India, often leading to financial strain and gender inequality.

Sikhism - A monotheistic religion founded in the Punjab region, emphasizing equality and community service.

Varanasi - A city in India considered one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, known for its spiritual significance and connection to the Ganges River.

Ganges River - A sacred river in India considered holy by Hindus, used for religious rituals and ceremonies.

Jainism - An ancient religion in India emphasizing non-violence, self-discipline, and spiritual development.