An average family uses 300 gallons of water per day at home. The circle graph shows the percentages of some of the types of water use for an average family.

How many gallons of water per day are used for shower or leak?

Question 4 options:

96 gallons

24 gallons

60 gallons

36 gallons

To find out how many gallons of water per day are used for shower or leak, we need to add up the percentages for shower and leak and then calculate the total number of gallons used per day by the average family.

From the circle graph, we can estimate that the percentage of water used for shower is about 32% and the percentage used for leak is about 4%.

Adding these two percentages together gives us 32% + 4% = 36%.

Now, we can calculate the total number of gallons used per day by multiplying the total daily water usage by the percentage for shower and leak: 300 gallons * 36% = 108 gallons.

Therefore, the average family uses 108 gallons of water per day for shower or leak.

Therefore, the closest option is 96 gallons.