A particular bird species found in North America obtains most of its food energy by catching and eating insect mutation

. This bird is known for its agile flying abilities, sharp eyesight, and quick reflexes, which help it catch its insect prey in mid-air or on the ground. The bird uses its hooked beak to grasp and consume the insects, making them an important part of its diet.

In addition to insects, this bird species may also consume small rodents, reptiles, or other birds. However, insects make up the majority of their diet due to their abundance and easy accessibility.

This bird's reliance on insects as a food source plays a crucial role in controlling insect populations in their habitats, helping to maintain a balance in the ecosystem. Additionally, by consuming insects, this bird helps reduce potential damage that these insects may cause to crops or other vegetation.

Overall, this bird species plays a significant role in the ecosystem by contributing to the control of insect populations and maintaining a balance in the food chain.