In 3-5 sentences, write a paragraph that shows your understanding of how light is transmitted, absorbed, and reflected. Provide at least one example of how light is being transmitted, absorbed, and reflected in this picture.

Light is transmitted through a medium when it passes through without being absorbed or reflected. In the picture, the sunlight is transmitted through the glass window, allowing the light to travel into the room. When light is absorbed, it is taken in by a material and converted into another form of energy, such as heat. An example of this in the picture is the dark curtains absorbing some of the sunlight, creating a warmer temperature in the room. Finally, light is reflected when it bounces off a surface, changing direction. In the picture, the mirror reflects the sunlight, redirecting the light towards the wall and creating a brighter area in the room.

Could you rephrase that for if the picture was instead a duck in a shiny pond

Light interacts with the duck and the shiny pond in various ways. As the sunlight hits the duck's feathers, some of it is transmitted through, allowing us to see the vibrant colors of the duck. The shiny surface of the pond reflects the sunlight, creating a mirror-like effect and making the water appear to sparkle. Additionally, some of the light is absorbed by the duck's feathers, providing warmth and energy to the bird. Overall, the interplay of light being transmitted, reflected, and absorbed contributes to the visual beauty of the scene with the duck in the shiny pond.