Find the measure of the smallest angle of the triangle. Remember the sum of angles for all triangles is always 180 °.

the trangle has a 102 on the left bottom and a x+18 on the right bottom side on the top there is a 3x

To find the measure of the smallest angle of the triangle, we need to find the value of x first.

Given that the sum of all angles in a triangle is 180°, we have:

102 + (x + 18) + 3x = 180
102 + x + 18 + 3x = 180
102 + 18 + 4x = 180
120 + 4x = 180
4x = 60
x = 15

Now that we have found the value of x, we can substitute it back into the expression for the smallest angle, which is x + 18:

15 + 18 = 33

Therefore, the smallest angle of the triangle is 33°.